I've got my words / sentences that I want to include in my manifesto ready
Now i have to start thinking about how i want the design of the actual manifesto to look

I went on Pintrest / Tumblr and Google and looked up some designs that would suit my manifesto idea

I didn't look into manifesto's straight away
I looked through some designs that I liked
Designs i found aesthetically pleasing

- I wanted to have part of my manifesto design to be a search bar
like when you search something on google and recommendations pop up
i wanted my sentences to pop up as recommendations
i think it would look cool


but that's only part of my idea
the rest is going to be different

- Another idea i had was having a sentence(s) appear as a text(s)

Technology has changed a lot in these past few years and i wanted to somehow show that in this little design idea

So what i thought of doing was having 2 sentences show up as texts

One being in the style of an old text
and another 
being in the style of a new text

examples of old texts 

examples of new texts

the old texts are obviously really pixelated and on small screens whilst the new texts are on large clear screens and are smooth and high quality

I'm planning on writing a short sentence as an old text as the screen will not be able to show too much
(also i feel that short texts will have more effect and will look better)

and i will write 2 or 3 sentences as new texts 
as it will look cleaner than just having one sentence and an empty screen
having too much sentences that the viewer cannot be bothered reading it all

For the new text i am planning on
getting one of my friends(most likely my mom)
to text me one of the sentences and then me replying with the other sentence 
then screenshotting that and taking it into photoshop and adding some minor adjustments

As for the old text
I'll most likely find a picture of an old phone at a good angle and add some text on it w/ photoshop 
or try and find an old phone and write up a text(probably the first one due to laziness)

- As far as fonts go i plan on using really simple clean fonts that are minimal and professional such as

Aurulent sans
Comic sans 

For words that i want to highlight and draw attention to I will probably go about doing something such as distorting the text, pixelating the text and changing the colours etc.



- For colours I plan on using light colours such as pink and blue and white etc
Colours that are easy and calming to look at
I'll try to avoid yellow as it's just not a nice colour 
(also minions are yellow and i hate minions)

 I also have other ideas that I want to use but they're similar to these or just ideas that i probably wont put in my work
I'm looking for more ideas and will post on my blog if i find any