Futurism was an art movement launched by the Italian poet
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti in 1909

On the 20th of February he published his Manifesto of Futurism on the front page of the Paris newspaper Le Figaro 

That moment saw the birth of the Futurists,
a small group of radical Italian artists working just before the outbreak of the First World War

The Futurists rejected anything old and looked towards a new Italy.

What the Futurists wanted was art that celebrated the modern world of industry and technology.



 one of the pieces of futurism i really liked
i like the the way they experimented with the text and it came out looking really abstract, the black and white rays shine onto the words and it creates an effect inside the letters, another thing i really liked in this piece

- the D going into the E
the R going into the O -

was another thing i liked
it creates a sort of collage type look and i can see myself doing this sort of style somewhere in my manifesto

this is something i found on the internet that was inspired by Futurism but also Dadaism
it has a twist of both and i really like this piece

the solid colours with the solid text on top and the clean cut finish really inspires me for my manifesto, i'd love to be able to achieve a look like this

but at the same time my manifesto ideas are quite grungey and might come out quite messy
so i'll have to see where this comes in my design

(currently thinking it would good as my background for my manifesto but i will change it up a bit to match the rest of my design)


 another piece i really liked the look of
this piece looks amazing all round but the bit that stood out to me 
was the way the person is in front of the text
they masked her out and placed her infront

and for my manifesto i want to do something similar
i already have posted about how i want to paint on top of a picture of a person and put it near my sentence about how colour is important to my work

well by seeing this piece I've had the idea to put the picture i will edit on top of my sentence about colour
to switch it up
thanks for inspiring me internet.